I’ve been trying to figure out a good place to keep some of the notes I took while getting my Masters degree in Education. I think I’ll just keep editing this post and keep them here, so I can come back to them later when I want to.
- Piaget: cognitive development
- Vygotsky: social learning theory + ZPD (zone of proximal development)
- Bloom: taxonomy (of levels of thinking)
- Maslow: hierarchy of needs
- Garder: multiple intelligences
- constructivism – student-centered learning
- cooperative learning vs collaboration (teacher)
- inclusive instruction – inquiry/discovery
- formative assesment vs summative
- goals vs objectives
long ago fallen out of favor: pedantic teaching
Sign seen in classroom: “Fair is not everyone getting the same thing. Fair is everyone getting what they need.”
Reading Comprehension Strategies
- Previewing
- Predicting
- Deriving Main Idea
- Summarizing
- Inferring
- Imaging
- Repairing
Techniques for Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies
- Responsive Elaboration
- Text Walk
- Study Guide
- Anticipation Guide
- Applying and Extending
- Creating Graphic Organizers
- PReP
- Structured Overview
- Survey Technique
- Think-Alouds
- KWL Plus
- SQ3R
Check on this: Teaching Grammar by Hagemann (contextualizing grammar)
Students can name the parts of speech from Jabberwok
Learning grammar is about practicing usage (toward better performance), not learning rules.
Patrick Hartwell – 5 uses of grammar
- set of formal patterns
- branch of linguistics (study / science)
- linguistic etiquette (bad grammar vs good grammar)
- school grammar
- stylistic grammar (strunk & white)